In an effort to determine the undergraduate attitude on the question of serving beer in the University dining halls, and to aid the authorities in making up their announced "open mind" on the question, the Crimson will conduct a poll in all the Houses and the Union today. Ballot boxed will be placed in the dining halls at all meals. Preliminary returns received during the breakfast and lunch hours will be posted outside the CRIMSON building during the day, with the final results to be announced in tomorrow's paper.
In addition to sounding out student opinion on the serving of beer in the dining halls, the ballot is framed so as to elicit information on the number of men who drink beer, its effects on them and on the food, and their estimated consumption. The last question deals with the proposal to allow men to bring their own beer into the dining and common rooms for consumption there in the event that the city of Cambridge votes for "no license." No further announcement on the beer question was forthcoming front University Hall yesterday.
Crimson Beer Poll
1. Do you drink beer?
Yes No
2. Would a quart of non-intoxicating 3.2 beer, drunk with meals: put you under the table? improve the taste of University food?
3. If Cambridge ordinances permit, do you favor the service of beer in University dining halls?
Yes No
4. Under such a system, how much beer per week would you be likely to consume?
1-3 qts.
4-6 qts.
Still more
5. If Cambridge can and does go dry, should the University allow students to bring their own beer into the dining and common rooms and consume it there? Signature Class
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