

Estabrook, Holm, Knowles, Porter, Saxe Are Listed--Ballots To Be Returned By April 10

Eight Juniors have been nominated for the presidency, the vice-presidency, and the secretary-treasurership of Phillips Brooks House, the Phillips Brooks House Association announced last night. Ballots are being sent to all the active members of the Association and are to be returned by Monday, April 10. It is expected that the election will be announced the next day.

Voters will indicate on their ballots their three preferences, by giving their first one three points; their second, two; and their third, one. The man receiving the greatest number of points will be elected President. The next two candidates will be elected Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer.

Following is the list of nominations:

Richard Glover Ames, of Wayland.

James Mansfield Estabrook, of New York City.


Henry Edward Holm, of Hancock, Michigan.

Malcolm Shephard Knowles, of West Palm Beach, Florida.

John Moore Morse, of Brookline.

George Hinckley Porter, of Upper Montclair, New Jersey.

Harold Sol Saxe, of Omaha, Nebraska.

Gordon Chase Streeter, of Stonington, Connecticut.

Ames, who is also engaged in several other undergraduate activities, was the leader of a boy's club in Denison House, Boston. Estabrook was a member of the Social Service Committee and also worked at Denison House. Holm is a member of both the Social Service and Foreign Student Committees. Knowles is the chairman of the Foreign Student Committee and winner of the Geneva Scholarship last summer. Morse is a member of the Social Service Committee, and is coach of the South End Union track team. Porter has been chairman of the Library Committee for two years. Saxe is a member of the Social Service Committee and has filled several speaking engagements for the association. Streeter is the chairman of the Social Service Committee.
