

Supervision of Food Transferred to Dining Halls--Student Waiters Will Be Employed.

As a result of general dissatisfaction with the present plan of training tables in the various Houses, the Varsity Club will reopen after the spring vacation for members of the baseball, track and crew squads.

Inaugurated at the beginning of the year as an economy measure, the plan now in effect provides for training tables in several of the Houses during the sports' season. Two serious faults have been found in the system. One criticism has been levelled at the House training tables by the Masters, who have protested against the separation of the athletes from the rest of the men. The second trouble that has shown itself is the inconvenience of checking up on the number of meals eaten by the men from different Houses.

Revised System

Under the revised system which will go into effect immediately after the spring vacation, the athletes will eat at the Varsity Club but the preparation and serving of the food will be under the supervision of the University. Dining Halls. The food will be cooked in the Union and served in the adjacent Varsity Club by student waiters. Complete control of the unit will be in the hands of R. L. Westcott '14, manager of the University Dining Halls. The student waiters will not be under the control of the H.A.A.
