

Major Attack

Launching a bitter attack with the invective "To Hell With Yale" setting the tone of the message, the Harvard "Yardcops" scored neatly on the Yale Campus Guardians via a lengthy collect telegram, declaring the local college policemen's claim to the Big Three basketball title false. No sooner had the smoke cleared from this vitriolic assault than a barrage (collect) was wired from Princeton claiming a misunderstanding of league agreements and dissension in the Campus Cop and Princeton Proctor's ranks. This does not augur well for Big Three relations.

It is noted with some regret that Harvard's alleged gentlemen have stooped to the rather common practice of muck-raking. A threatened expose promises the breakdown of the Yale morale for should the integrity of Yale's denizens of the law be questioned, we shudder to calculate the consequences. It is felt that student opinion, for this reason and for loyalty's sake, should stand unitedly behind the "grand old organization," and plans should be formulated to back the Campus Gendarmes with heart and soul.

Clearly the policy of league formation will be settled on this battlefield, for should these relations, strained by vindictive verbal disagreements, be cemented, nothing can justly be considered beyond accomplishment in intercollegiate sporting circles. Yale News.
