

Racial Problems Occupy Behrens and Wolff at Northampton--Japan Upset League's Organization

At a meeting held last night in the Eliot House Common Room 17 men were chosen as delegates to the New England Model League of Nations, which is to hold its sessions at Northampton on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 9, 10, and 11.

The delegates are divided into three groups representing Australia, Paraguay, and Siam. The Australian group is headed by W. S. Salant '33, chairman of the Council of Economics, and has as members R. L. Behrens '34, who will speak before the Assembly of the League on the subject of the Sino-Japanese dispute. O. H. Davis '34, who will speak on the Chace affair, G. R. Dennett '36, H. A. Fierst '36, and A. G. Malkan '33.

The delegates representing Paraguay will be Comstock Glaser '35, Just Lunning 1G, S. M. Peyser '34, who will take the Paraguayan side of the Chaco dispute, J. G. Simonds '35, P. H. Singer '34, and W. F. Wolff '33.

For Siam there will be a delegation headed by M. A. Hoffman '34, chairman with E. H. Hickey '33, Robert Mandel '34, C. M. Sullivan '34, and J. A. Wolff '35 as members. Wolff will talk before the Assembly about the Sino-Japanese question.
