
In the Graduate Schools

Statler To Be Scene of Second Ball of Annual Series

Students of the Business School will give a ball in the Imperial Ball Room of the Hotel Statler on Friday night from 9 to 2 o'clock. This will be the second of a series of three balls which are given annually. Music for the occasion will be provided by Frank Cornwell and his Mayflower Club Orchestra. The decorations will be modernistic, featuring novel effects of lighting on curtains and draperies.

The members of the committee are: W. C. Joiner 2GB, J. W. Rice 2GB, C. E. Devlin 2GB, V. B. Gerard 2GB, J. J. Mullen 2GB, E. E. Liese 2GB, J. F. Childs 2GB, E. H. Moore 2GB, W. D. Sloane 2GB. The patrons and patronesses are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Espy Foster. Mr. and Mrs. James Pierce, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilmore.
