Twenty-five copies of the two-volume text "Theory and Practice of Modern Government," by Herbert Finer, have been secured by the Freshman library for use of first-year students of Government 1, it was announced last night by Miss Florence Milner, librarian. The acquisition of these books and of additional copies of the other texts required for Government 1, following publication in yesterday's CRIMSON of a letter dealing with the high price of books for this course, inaugurates a new policy for the Freshman library.
The books will be available in the History reading room of the Freshman Union. Heretofore only a few copies of books used in Government I have been available to Freshmen, while the large volume of reading for History I was adequately covered. The increasing expense of Government texis led to the purchase of the new books, according to Miss Milner. The cost of the two volumes of Finer is twelve dollar, and no second-hand copies are available.
The Government books may hereafter be borrowed from the Union by Freshmen for a full week. In the past they have only been allowed out overnight.
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