A concert by 16 members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra composed of a group known as the Boston Sinfonietta, and conducted by Arthru Fiedler, for many years conductor of the "Pops" and Esplanade concerts, will be the outstanding event planned for the winter season at the Freshmen Union. The musicale, which was planned by the 1936 Union Committee and will be open only to first year men, will be held on Tuesday, February 14, at 7.30 o'clock in the Large Common Room.
The idea of having the Sinfonietta Concert met with the unanimous approval of the members of the 1936 Union Committee, the purpose being to present the members of the Freshman class with the finest musical entertainment.
The Sinfonietta was organized some four years ago. Its founder, Mr. Arthur Fiedler, had carried the thought of the need of such an orchestra in his mind for years. Not only can this smaller orchestra present adequate music in distant and smaller communities, where it would be inadvisable to take the larger Symphony, but there are many compositions which may bb presented by the small number of players.
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