"Japan has expended over $5,000,000 in propagandizing America," exclaimed Dr. Frank W. Chinglun Lee, onetime Foreign minister of China, now special envoy to America and adviser to the Chinese legation, in an animated address delivered last Saturday before a gathering of the Chinese Student Clubs of Harvard and M.I.T. Patriotic zeal shone from Dr. Lee's wan features as he urged upon the gathering the need for unity and action. "China does not want war." he said. "Every move she has made since September 18, 1931 indicates her desire to cooperate with other nations for the peace of the world. But China will not tolerate forceful seizure of any of her territories. She must put factions behind her and unite."
Relative to the recent action of the League Assembly, condemning Japanese aggressions in Manchuria. Dr. Lee asserted that no man could look into the future at Geneva, but that one thing was certain. "None of the nations in the League Assembly would now have the fact to support Japan in case of war."
Also present was Colonel Henry H. Lin. officer of the Chinese 19th Route Army, here of the Shanghai defence last year.
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