

Mahoney Says Cambridge Mayor Will Be Vindicated--Bill Gives Mayor Veto Power Over School Committee Budget

Growing out of charges made by M. P. McNair, professor of Industrial Marketing, at the Harvard Business School, R. M. Russell '14, Mayor of Cambridge yesterday declared in a lively hearing of his proposed bill which will give control of the School Board Budget to the City Council, that "Cambridge was in revolt about the matter," and that it was necessary to curtail to prevent the city from defaulting on its loans.

The hearing was to decide whether to admit the bill which was filed later than the usual date to the present session of the Legislature. Mayor Russell stated that not prosperity but disaster was just around the corner for the city unless reductions were made. He cited that last year 15 vacancies in the staff were filled without good reason, and that 34 new appointments were made. H. J. Mahoney of Cambridge assailed the present system for the personal as well as the principle which allows the board to control their own budget. "It is a menace to good government as it now exists. The membership is intensely politically-minded."

H. T. Cahill of Braintree said: "Time will vindicate the Mayor of Cambridge. The Mayor is the only public officer in Cambridge, so far as I can find out, who takes his office as a public trust."
