
Kirkland Quintet Swamps Brooks Team

In a wildly played, one-sided game, the Kirkland House basketball team yesterday trampled over Phillips Brooks, winning 16-3.

Brooks never had a chance to win, being unable even to hold the ball long enough to shoot. Their one field goal and foul shot came early in the game, and from then on Kirkland had no trouble guarding their own basket.

The Kirkland shooting improved during the second half, scoring eleven points on five baskets and a foul.

The summary: KIRKLAND  BROOKS Powell, Foss, r.f.  i.f., Leroy Rogers, l.f.  r.f., Grilli, Herman Glavin, Farmer, Yungblut, c.  c., Soropin Buschmann, Murphy, r.g.  l.g., Wilford Fox, l.g.  r.g., Brooks

Score--Kirkland 16, Brooks 3. Goals--Powell 1, Rogers 2, Glavin 2, Buschmann 1, Fox 1, Soropin 1. Fouls--Powell 1, Glavin 1, Soropin 1.
