After more than a month of negotiation by the officers of the Debating Council, a schedule of six debates has been arranged for the balance of the year, including a debate with Boston College, undefeated as yet by the Council. The subject of the debate, which will be held March 13 in Jordan Hall, Boston is: "Resolved: That the international traffic in munitions should be outlawed." Harvard will support the affirmative. Trials for the debate will be held today, according to 10. M. Rowe '27, coach of the debating team.
On March 11, as previously announced by D. M. Sullivan '33, president of the Council, a debate will be held in Cambridge with New York University. Harvard will support the negative of the resolution: "That, in the interests of American prosperity, the United States should cancel the War Debts." There will be no decision.
The team will meet Holy Cross March 10 in Worcester. Late in March, the Council will sound a team to Canada to debate Dalhousie University in Nova rectia and Mt. Allison University in new Brunswick. The usual triangular debate with Yale and Princeton will be held early in April.
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