
Crimson Track Men Seek Ninth Straight Victory in H-D-C Meet

Strength in Hurdles, Relay, and Weight Events May Cinch Crown in Annual Contests

Rapidly improving since the beginning of the indoor season, the Varsity track squad topped off previous performances this winter by scoring an overwhelming victory in the class A group in the University Club meet last Saturday, and now presents a strong front against Corneli and and Dartmouth in the Triangle Meet at the Garden tonight.

The squad under Coach Farrell has been primed for the meet during the week, and the probabilities of a ninth consecutive Crimson win hinge largely upon the scoring power in the hurdles, the one-mile relay, and the weight events. The dash and middle distance men have not been over-impressive this year.

Hayes and Grady, who have been struggling all season for supremacy in the 45-yard hurdles, have proved themselves capable of filling the gap caused by the loss of last year's intercollegiate title-holder, Record. At the University Club meet Hayes was clocked at 5 4-5 seconds, for the world record.

Sophomores Strong

Drawing upon the Sophomore members of the squad, Farrell has chosen Locke and Calvin, who together with Morse and Captain Dodge, make up one of the strongest relay teams in the last few years. In the K. of C. meet this group of runners led Holy Cross in the feature event of the night, turning in a time of 13 minutes 26 3-5 seconds. Last week they smashed the University Club record.


Healey and Kidder, who took first and second places last Saturday, are slated with Bennett in the 35-pound weight throw, and Calvin and Morse, of the relay team, are scheduled for the broad jump with Litman and Shuebruk.
