Fifteen nominations for the 1935 class Elections were announced last night by the retiring officers of the class. Additional nominations may be made by petition, containing the name of the nominee, the office for which he is nominated, and the signatures of at least twenty-five members of the class. These petitions must be mailed to E. F. Bowditch '35, Dunster C-46, before March 1.
The revised list of nominations will be published in the CRIMSON on Friday, March, and ballots will be mailed to every member of the class on the same day. The present list of nominees is:
For President
Allston Boyer, of Manhasset, New York.
Samuel Smith Drury, of Concord, New Hampshire.
Herman Gundiach, Jr., of Houghton, Michigan.
Randolph Appleton Kidder, of Andover
Franklin Plummer Whitbeck, of Bronxville, New York.
For Vice-President
Thomas Jefferson Davis, of Cincinnati, Ohio
Fisher Howe 3d, of Winnetka, Illinois
Thomas Harrison Hunter, of Cambridge
William Ames Lincoln, of Brookline
Henry Saltonstall, of Readville
For Secretary-treasurer
Francis Hardon Burr, of Needhsm
Howard Frank Gillette, of Chicago, Illinois
Donald Vincent McGrranahan, of Malden.
Arthur Stanwood Pier, Jr., of Concord
William Mitchell Van Winkle, Jr., of Bye, New York
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