

Win Match 28-27 After Hard Struggle In Which Grady and comfort Star, And Thrill Audience With Fine Plays

Continuing their winning streak, the Harvard Freshman basketball team last night overcame the previously undefeated Dartmouth Freshman quintet, d28-27, in the New Indoor Athletic Building.

Fighting desperately, the Crimson yearlings fought back at their Green rivals during the second half, overcoming a 16-7 lead. With the aid of exceptional passing and outstanding guarding, the Harvard team sank shot after shot, boosting their score to a 20-18 lead at the end of the third period.

Fine shooting by J. g. Grady '36 and G. V. Comfort '36 kept the Crimson immune from Dartmouth attacks until the last minute of the game when the Green went ahead, 27-26. Then with ten seconds to play, R. H. smith '36 dropped the winning basket after a beautiful pass from R. C. Ernst '36.

The fighting attitude, the outstanding pass-work and the guarding of both teams made the game one of the finest and most exciting ever played on the Harvard court.

The summary: HARVARD  DARTMOUTH 1936 Ernst, r.f.  l.f., Toan, Frigard Comfort, l.f.  r.f., Sinding, Tracy Silsby, Sherwood, e.  e., McKernan Smith, r.g.  l.g., O'Brien, Nielson Grady, l.g.  r.g., Lagerlo, Cleaveland


Score--Harvard 23, Dartmouth 27, Goats--Ernst 1, Comfort 3, Silsby 1, Smith 1, Grady 6, Tean 3, Frigard 2, McKernan3, O'Brien 1, Largerlo 1, Cleaveland 2, Fouls--Comfort 1, Silaby 1, Grady 2, Tean 1, O'Brien 1, Lagerie 1. Reforce Swafield. Time--Two 20-minute periods.
