
Ely's Haste To Have Massachusetts Ratify Repeal Unseemly, Says Anti-Saloon Head--Crusader chief Endorses Governor

"Governor Ely's plan to force Massachusetts to be the first to ratify the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment is unseemly in view of the grave consequences and responsibility involved," declared A. J. Davis, head of the Massachusetts Anti-Saloon League, in an interview last night.

"The people shouldn't vote in the dark, as they did at the repeal of the Massachusetts Baby Volstead Act. The proposed amendment provides that repeal shall be approved by special conventions rather than by the state legislatures. Consequently, when the votes go to the polls they will vote for delegates only, and every voter must know definitely whether he is voting for a wet or a dry."

Continuing his remarks, Mr. Davis said that the wets have never been in the open. "We have nothing to hide," he asserted. "Have the wets given us any guarantees that the saloon will not return? The average voter should know in advance exactly what effect the repeal of Prohibition will have on his community; he must know what he will get in exchange for repeal. For us the fight has just begun."

In striking contrast to Mr. Davis's statements were the remarks made by Maleolm Greenough '25, of crusader's, Inc., on of the outstanding repeal organizations. VI heartily endorse Governor Ely's desire to have Massachusetts the first state to ratify the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. It is most encouraging to those interested in repeal to find the enactment by Congress coming so unexpectedly.

"However," pointed out Mr. Greenough, "the Crusaders are fully aware that much remains to be done. There is a hard task ahead of us, and our national organization will work for speedy ratification in every state in the Union. The Massachusetts Battalion will leave no stone unturned to have our state the first to ratify. I agree with Governor Ely that the State Legislature should take immediate action to provide for a convention."
