

Mountaineering Club To Hold Party at Spur Cabin--New Ski Trail Is Seven Minutes in Length

Harvard's first down-hill skiing championship, open to all members of the College and Graduate Schools, will be held on Mount Washington on Sunday, February 26, at 3 o'clock, H. B. Washburn '33, captain of the skiing team, announced last night. Entries must be made to Washburn at Lowell House A-32 or to C. S. Houston '35 at Lowell House A-12 before Wednesday, February 22. Prizes for first, second, and third places will be awarded by the H.A.A.

The race will be held over the new Tuckerman Ravine ski trail from the Mountaineering Club's spur cabin to the Crystal Cascade, just above Pinkham Notch. Competitors will be sent off down the trial at intervals of two minutes to avoid overlapping, but should any skier be overtaken by the man following him he is automatically disqualified. This course has been covered this winter in slightly under seven minutes.

Housewarming Party

At noon, just before the meet, the Mountaineering Club and its guests will held a house-warming party to celebrate the completion of its new long house, known as Spur Cabin. The cabin is located half a mile below Hermit Lake at an elevation of 3800 feet. All the building materials were carried up the mountain from Pinkham Notch by members of the club, who estimate that they have packed about 2500 pounds on their backs since last October.
