At the recent January-monthly meeting of the Lowell House Committee preliminary discussion was conducted concerning the annual Lowell-House Dance, traditionally held the first part of March, which constitutes a focal point of social festivities of the House year. March 10 is the date that has been selected for the ball, which will be under the chairmanship of E. K. Salls '34. The additional members of the dance committee are as follows: Richard Friedman ocC., FredD Ireland '33, A. W. Todd '35, and H. R. Woodard '33. In releasing the date and committee for the dance, H. S. Wood '33 chairman of the house committees, stated that as yet no definite arrangements had been made; the early selection of committee and date for the affair is to enable the committee to work up all necessary details, and to allow members of the House, and their guests, ample time for their plans for this weekend, which comes the week which will he the one following the final Yale hockey game.
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