Phillips Brooks House Association is inviting a certain number of Harvard College tutors not attached to any house, and consequently usually dependent for luncheon either upon the Faculty Club or some Harvard Square restaurant, to have lunch at Phillips Brooks House during the week. The purpose of this arrangement is to bring together certain tutors with the number of 150 commuters who have lunch at Brooks House every day.
Each day of the College year Phillips Brooks House affords commuters a place in which to eat their midday meal. It is also possible to obtain cocoa and milk at a small cost. A recent step towards facilitating the noon hour arrangements of the commuters was the trial engagement of a sandwich agency, which will supply sandwiches at a low cost, commencing early in the second half-year.
It is felt by the officers of Brooks House that the presence of tutors at these daily luncheon sessions may help to stimulate a corporate spirit among these non-resident students; it is also felt that there will be increased opportunity for exchange of ideas and for conversation between tutors and students, approximating in some small degree the natural medium of this kind that has been developed in the seven houses. Already the commuters coming to Brooks House have available several rooms, one of them stocked with magazines equalling in size that of a House common room. Several-pianos, and a limited library complete the equipment that is offered.
Officers of the Association intimated that while the available rooms are used up to capacity during the afternoon and evening throughout the week, there is space available during the morning hours and the early afternoon. Large groups of commuters use Brooks House as a place of study and conversation between classes. Names of tutors who accept the invitation extended by the Association are not yet available, but it is expected that the idea will meet with the cooperation of the men to whom it is directed
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