

Old Clothes, Books, and Other Useful Objects To Be Collected -- Group Chairmen Appointed

Under the auspices of the Phillips Brooks House Association, the annual fall clothing drive starts today, and will continue for one week. Every student of the University will be visited personally for any books, clothes, or magazines which he cares to give away. The books which are collected will be placed in the Brooks House loan library.

Victor H. Kramer '35, chairman of the drive, made the following statement yesterday: "It is hoped that every student will give as much clothing or as many books as he can. A large portion of the clothing is used in the relief of needy Harvard students as well as destitute Cambridge families. This winter clothes will be needed more than ever before, and we strongly urge every Harvard student to do his part in the drive."

Chairmen have been selected to organize groups which will visit the Freshman dormitories, the Houses, the Business School, and upperclassmen who do not live in Houses. They are: Peter W. Hoguet '37 for the Yard, Charles B. Feibleman '36 for Adams House, Edwin N. Kimball '35 for Dunster House, James M. Estabrook '34 for Eliot House, Shaun Kelly '36 for Kirkland House, John M. Morse '34 for Leverett House, Arthur W. Todd '35 for Lowell House, William L. West 1GB for the Business School.
