
Fordham Debaters Bow To Harvard Team at New York

Crimson Denies Need To Construct Treaty Strength Navy

Upholding the negative of the question "Resolved that the United States should build its navy to treaty strength without delay" the Harvard Debating team defeated the Fordham debaters last night in the Fordham College Auditorium. This was the first debate to be held between the two institutions.

The members of the Harvard team were Asa E. Phillips '34, Seymour M. Peyser '34, and Malcolm H. Hoffman '34, Edward M. Rowe '27 coached the team. Among the judges was Congressman Andrew Sommers of New York.

This is the second debate that Harvard has had this season. Last week Princeton defeated the Crimson team in Meriden, Connecticut on the question of the legality and advantages of the NRA.

The officers of the Council are Asa E. Phillips '34, president; John T. Higgens '34, vice-president; Victor H. Kramer '35, secretary.
