
Dunster, Eliot Kirkland Win Squash Matches Yesterday

Kirkland House Team Beats Winthrop 3-2 in B League Games

With victories for Lowell, Dunster, Eliot, and Kirkland Houses, yesterday's matches were marked chiefly defaults, probably as a result of the proximity of the Christmas Recess.

In the B League yesterday, the scores were as follows: Lowell 3, Leverett 2; Dunster 5, Brooks 0; Eliot 4, Adams 1; Kirkland 3, Winthrop 2. C League matches came out: Eliot 4, Dunster 1; Leverett 4, Adams 1; Lowell 5, Winthrop 0.

The summaries:


Dunster 5, Brooks 0


Restarick Withington '35 defeated Mark Mazel, 3-0; Lawrence Paul 2GB, by default; Francis Schumann '35, by default; Gordon Robertson '36 defeated Irvong Wallace, 3-0; John P. Gaillard 3L defeated Jerome Shapiro, 3-0.

Lowell 3, Leverett 2

Charles S. Kelley, 3rd, '36 defeated Roger S. Greene '34, 3-2; Elwood K. Salls '34 defeated Samuel R. Clarke '35, 3-0; Emmet H. Roorbach '34 defeated Abraham T. Collier '34, 3-1; Stephen H. Tyng '35 defeated Richard S. Baxter '34, 3-2.

Kirkland 3, Winthrop 2

Chester R. Singer '35 defeated Alden H. Bryan '35, 3-2; Douglas C. Scott '35 defeated Robert M. Peet '36, 3-2; Francis E. Strobhar '36 lost to Max L. Baughman '35, 1-3; William D. Black '34 defeated Alvar W. Polk, Jr. '35, 3-0; Seth H. Low '35 defeated Robert M. Saul '36, 3-0.

Eliot 4, Adams 1

David Weld '34 defeated William Richards '36, 3-0; Louis H. Orr '36 defeated C. S. Bradford Frayley '34, 3-0; Richard Cobb '36 defeated Edwin D. Brooks '34, 3-0. There were two defaults.
