

So often has the modest proposal for Harvard presentation of good German films appeared in these columns that the reader may well be weary of the business, and he is therefore assured that no more will be printed about it unless some definite development makes possible and necessary an unhackneyed treatment of the topic. Some definite development is the very thing that is needed. Everyone agrees there is no serious objection to presenting German movies as French films are now provided; all are at one in desiring action on the matter.

But that old devil Harvard indifference steals in and makes a Hamlet of every possible enthusiast by whispering "Let someone else do it." One vicious little idea prevents any concrete accomplishment. So the CRIMSON, to end a worn-out issue and to fulfil a traditional role as leader of undergraduate intellectualism presents a plan for action. If anyone is seriously interested in the matter, he is urged to form a committee, proselytize, secure if possible a patroness as generous and energetic as the French films have had, and so to set up the machinery for presenting the films. If no one is willing so to do, this last word given the matter a decent burial.
