

Eliot and Winthrop Houses Beat Brooks, Kirkland Easily

With victories for Winthrop and Eliot Houses, the first interhouse swimming meet was held at the New Indoor Athletic Building yesterday afternoon. Brooks House, last year's victorious team, met its first defeat at that time through the efforts of the Eliot House contingent, 42-21. The score for the Winthrop-Kirkland contest was 34-28.

The summaries:

Winthrop vs. Kirkland

50-yard free style swim--Won by John W. A. Bohlen '36, (W); second, Jeffers (K); third, Irving S. Chenoweth '35 (W); fourth, Theodore M. Feldman '35 (K).

200-yard free style swim--Won by Bennett Y. Ryan '36 (K); second, James M. Heidell '35 (W); third, William R. Steckel '36 (K).


50-yard backstroke--Won by Frank W. Vincent '36 (W); second, August C. Helmholz '36 (W); third, Walter C. Feinberg '34 (K).

100-yard free style--Won by Lawrence W. Beal '36 (W); second, Ryan (K); third, Hans W. Forster, Jr. '36 (K); fourth, Heidell.

50-yard breast stroke--Won by David H. Pabst '36 (W); second, Conard C. Jamison '34 (W); third, James F. Donnelly, Jr. '35 (K).

220-yard Relay--Won by Kirkland House, Winthrop second.

Dive--Won by Jeffers (K); second, Charles M. Scott '36 (W); third, Feldman (K).

Brooks vs. Eliot

50-yard free style--Won by Dillingham (E); second, John H. Dixon '36 (B); third, Frederick P. Lowry '34 (E); fourth, John W. Apell '35.

200-yard free style--Won by Richard S. Cosby '34 (E); second, Lowrey; third, Robert C. Hunter, Jr. '36 (B); fourth, Gilbert L. O'Nell '34.

50-yard backstroke--Won by Thomas Paull '36 (E); second, Cosby (E); third, David H. Greene '36 (B).

100-yard free style--Won by Dixon (B); second, William F. Read '36 (E); third, Wallace E. Howell '36 (B).

50-yard breast stroke--Won by Norton Q. Utley '36 (E); second, Robert G. Atwood '35, (E); third, George W. Maliz '36 (B).

200-yard Relay--Won by Brooks; Eliot second.

Dive--Won by Read (E); second, Lanson Blaney '36; third, Howell (B).
