Handicapped by the loss of two key men this year, the Varsity swimming team will need a great deal of building up before it is ready to start the season at the Bowdoin Meet on Friday, December 15, Coach Harold S. Ulen announced yesterday. Benton S. Wood '33, of Honolulu, last year's intercollegiate champion in the "440" and Robert D. Fallon '33, from Exeter Academy, who placed third in the 50 and 100-meter of the intercollegiates, were the mainstays of the team in free-style last year and this year's group as yet shows no one to replace them in height, weight, or experience, in this department.
Among the veterans in free-style, competing for Varsity positions, are Roy S. Wallace, Jr. '35, who swam against Yale last year, and Edward P. Parker '34, both sprinters, competing for the second time on the Varsity, Herbert M. Howe '34 and Stanley M. Wyman '35.
In the backstroke the team is well fortified with an intercollegiate champion, Captain Edward E. Stowell '34, and Charles N. Breed, Jr. '36, Freshman captain last year. Coming as experienced hands, too, are Anderson C. Dearing, Jr. '34, in breast-stroke; Charles L. Jack '35, best man last year in the "440"; Edward C. Devereux, Jr. '34, in the "220"; and Howard S. Bowen '35, in diving. In this last field there is some excellent Sophomore material.
At present there is not enough reliable material to make a full strength team with sufficient spares and a strong reserve to fill out the relay, Coach Ulen said.
Harvard has a good record with 19 victories out of 23 meets, but Yale, Dartmouth, and Brown are strong with veterans, and prospects are not too hopeful for the coming season. There are to be 12 meets this year.
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