

Goldschmidt, Speaking at Lowell House, Claims Germany Needs Hindenburg As Symbol

At a meeting of the Liberal Club tonight David I. Walsh, Senior Senator from Massachusetts, will speak in the Adams House Upper Common Room. There will be an informal dinner in the House before the meeting at which Professor Arthur N. Holcombe '06, who is presiding, James P. Baxter, 3rd, and some of the members of the Liberal Club will be present.

Dr. Alfons Goldschmidt, former professor of Economics at the University of Leipzig, was the speaker at the meeting held last night in Lowell House.

"The basis for the present Hitler movement in Germany is to be found in pro-war Germany," he declared. "There was the same nationalistic strain present then as now." Dr. Goldschmidt later went on to say, however, that the mounting internal and external debt of the Fascist regime, will cause the ultimate collapse of the Hitler government.

"Germany must have Hindenburg. He is a symbol," declared the speaker in answer to a question concerning what influence the President exerted. "Germany has always had Hindenburgs. There were Hindenburgs in the Middle Ages; during the period of the Kaisers there were Hindenburgs. Now there are two--Hindenburg and Hitler."
