
Dressler, Cantor, Lowell Put On Motion Picture Board

Screen Humorists and Lowell To Censor Cinema, Watch Hollywood Salaries

Virtual censorship of the nation's movies, and supervision of film actor's salaries will be exercised by President Lowell, Marie Dressler, and Eddie Cantor, it was indicated in a statement of General Hugh S. Johnson yesterday. President Roosevelt had asked the former Harvard head to meet with the two Hollywood players.

Mr. Lowell, who has long been an advocate of government censorship, was invited to serve as one of the three President's representatives on the motion picture NRA code authority, "in order to observe the operations of the engagement of the industry itself to comply with its own rules of censorship of improper pictures and dialogue."

"The President," the National Recovery Administrator continued, "is asking a full report in ninety days... of excessive salaries or other emoluments, both as to artists and as to executives and their families..." Miss Dressler and Mr. Cantor, who has suggested a royalty basis for stars, will represent the interests of the actors in the meetings of the triumvirate.
