

Princeton Defeats Harvard in Close Debate on the NRA--Nine Freshmen Retained

Formal recognition of debating at Harvard by the Corporation was announced last night at University Hall. At its last meeting, the Corporation voted to create the new office of "Director of Debating," and to name Edward M. Rowe '27, of Cambridge, as its first numbest for a period of a year. The new Director of Debating will encourage and control both inter-House and inter-collegiate debating.

Harvard lost to Princeton Monday night in the debate at Meriden, Connecticut by a two to one decision. The Harvard team contended that the disadvantages of the NRA outweighed the advantages and questioned the legality of the administration's procedure.

Princeton maintained that the NRA has already produced a higher social order and has provided employment for millions. The debaters on the winning team were Edwin S. Carney, Gordon A. Craig, and Edward F. Pritchard: Harvard's team consisted of Julius S. Bach, Jr. '36, Morris J. Litwack '36, and George Gore '34.

In Freshmen trials at the Union last night nine men were retained.
