

Suggestion That Commuters Use House Dining Halls, Libraries, Said to be Physically Impossible

In a statement dealing with various phases of House administration, President Conant announced yesterday that he Central Committee for House assignments will be continued for a further period of two years.

The Central Committee was established in March, 1933, to supervise the assignment of the members of the Class of 1936 to the seven Houses in co-operation with the Masters and with the general advice of the Freshman Class.

Under the plan inaugurated last year, all applications for House membership from members of the Freshman Class are received by the Central Committee and assignments are made by it.

The Central Committee and the House Masters have studied the report of the Student Council dealing with the House Plan. In accordance with the accommodations of the Student Council, the Central Committee will give especial attention this year to the problem of "assigning students to Houses in which their tutors are resident, and assigning concentrators to Houses in which their field is well represented utorially."

At the present time, President Conant said, no action can be taken in regard to the suggestions of the Student Council Committee in June, 1933, that commuters be given the privilege of using the House libraries upon the payment of a fee and the privilege of eating in the dining halls as "paying guest." The House Libraries and Dining Halls are now filled to capacity by resident members, and it is physically impossible to increase their use without overcrowding. It is not thought advisable to have men attached to Houses for the purpose of participation in athletics only.


The present members of the Central Committee are President Conant, Dean Hanford, and Dean Delmar Leighton '19.
