

The Return of Wodin

Many amazing and tragic things have taken place in Germany since the advent of the Nazis, but one of the most terrible has been the conflict between the new etatisme and the President Church. The attack upon Protestantism has come from within and without, from Teutonic prelates and Brownshirt authority. Dr. Reinhold Krause in a meeting at the Berlin Sport Palace boomed out his now famous four points: one, that all Jews be excluded from the Church; two, that ghetto parishes be instituted for the ostracized; three, that the Old Testament be thrown out because of its obviously Hebraic origin and additionally because it is "a collection of tales by cattle dealers and pimps"; fourth, that all traces of the doctrine of humility should be deleted from the New Testament. This program as it was bellowed to the enthusiastic audience was adopted almost unanimously by the delegates convened, and will undoubtedly be echoed throughout Germany. What lies behind this mental revolt?

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John Elliott, a foreign correspondent whose opinions are usually more read able than searching, rings the gong twice when he asserts that German Protestantism ran up against two inflexible tenets of Naziism: the elevation of nationalism above everything, and the sanctification of the German nordics ueber allies. That is true, quite true, but the antagonism is more deeply laid than that The path of Protestantism in Hitler's land is in close parallel with the fate of Christianity in Russia. No religion espousing spiritual individualism and political liberalism can hope to stand against the rush of the Religion of the State. At every turn, if it is true to itself, it will clash directly with autocrat and mobbism, with the worship of fore and the submission to irrationality. If Hitler survives, Protestantism will not. Whether or not a throwback to the myth of Wodin and Thor will succeed is a other matter; but even if these gods do not survive in name, their crude unreasoning spirit will. CASTOR.
