
Winthrop House Champions Meet Saybrook Team at Yale

Bowl Tilt This Afternoon With House Victors of Two Year's Standing

The Winthrop House football team, champions of the Harvard Inter-House League, left yesterday afternoon for their game with Saybrook College, champions of the Yale college league. The game will be played in the Bowl, and will begin at 2.30 o'clock.

The probable lineup of Winthrop House will be: Morris, l.e., Dunton, l.t.; Schwizer, l.g. Foley, c.; Size, r.g.; Carman, r.t.; Emerson, r.e.; Crampton, q.b.; Hindel, r.h.b.; Mendell, l.h.b.; Holmes, f.b.

The final standings of the Harvard league show Winthrop as an easy winner, with Lowell placing second and Adams third. The Winthrop players receive medals, and the House keeps the cup, which it won last year.

The standings: Team  Won  Lost  Tied  Pts. Winthrop  7  0  0  14 Lowell  5  2  0  10 Adams  3  2  2  8 Eliot  3  2  2  8 Dunster  2  2  3  7 Brooks  0  3  4  4 Kirkland  1  5  1  3 Leverett  1  6  0  2
