(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be with-held.)
To Mr. X, Harvard University:
Good mornin'--!
Guess you feel like saying "Well, fevven's sake!" when you get this--but we have something in common because I feel the same way about me for writing.
Anyhow here's how 'Lis: At dinner today the girls at our table decided to write to somebody 'way off somewhere and see which of us has the most success.
Because you, your looks, your interests, etc., are so utterly blank to me I feel as if I might be attempting to converse with someone thro' an iron wall--or supin'--anyhow--fell all at sea--if you see "as what I mean."
Montevallo is in the "heart of Alabama"--and most of us down here are quite Southern. It has about eight or nine hundred students--girls--'s not a reformatory by the way--'n we have oodles of squirrels on the Campus. It's a grand old place; and near Birmingham, the University of Alabama and Auburn--We're not badly situated.
Honestly! this gets sillier with every word. (Is my timidity evident?) Don't dispair.
I live in Decatur. You do look charming with that eyebrow up; but do be more tactful, regardless of whether you've heard of it or not. But it has about 16,000 people living in it--the town, I mean. Daddy's quite a respectable citizen, 'n we don't live on the river bank.
Decatur's a nice place; ever been thro' there?
You're wonderin' (maybe) what in the world I look like. But pullease let's forget that at present--If you answer this letter, pullease Tell me what you look like--or show me (no--I'm from Alabama).
Gee--this is crazy! But I started and all I can do is finish. I'm a sophomore --not that that would necessarily necessitate my finishing because I started. Oh!--mercy! Wotta letter this is turning out to be!
What course are you taking? Mine isn't a unique one--just a straight A.B.--with lots 'a art.
And speaking of the weather--I know we weren't--but it's just begun to be real cold down here--you've had cold weather a long time, haven't you?--But we nearly have to walk backwards to get anywhere.
Would it be bad of me to ask you to give this to someone else if you're in love--or have some kinda restrictions on your correspondence? Please don't be in love--at least too much so to answer once anyhow.
I'm ashamed of me! Never would I ever have b'lieved such as this would come from my pen (it really isn't mine; I borrowed the roomie's 'cause she's gone off with mine--mine's the better--So much for pens!)
Y' know, I'm anxious to hear from you; you just don't know--'cause I hate to lose a bet besides . . . Would you mind answering soon? Mary Kate Troup. Alabama College Montevallo, Ala.
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