
Ulen and Muir Content With Material in 1937 Tank Squad

Small Squad of 25 Members Excellent in Quality

Statements from both Coach Union and Coach Muir predict a successful swimming season for the Freshman swimming team this year. They feel that the potentialities are great and that the material in the class looks better now than ever before. The only thing that may hurt the chances for a good team is ineligibility; otherwise prospects are very bright.

Although at present the number on the squad out for the team is only about 25, less than half the number of last year's Freshman squad, more are expected at the beginning of next week when the Fall sports work is over. Among those out for the team are S. Mercer Moorman '37, John J. Colony '37, and Francis D. Moorman '37, all of whom were on the New England championship team at Exeter last year. The first two are freestylers, while the other is a back-stroker who is expected to see service as a freestyler also. Others who have had previous experience are A. Gregory Jameson and Frederick L. Woodlock, both of Andover, John M. S. Hutchinson, also of Exeter, and Peter L. Callan of Cambridge.
