

Only 27 Men Are Registered This Year In Comparison With 45 in 1932--Five Men Art of Foreign Birth

In the Arts and Sciences department this year, there are only 27 special students, as compared to the 45 who attended last year, it was revealed at University Hall yesterday. Most of these students are taking the courses either as a preparation for Medical School, or simply to add to their own knowledge for pleasure's sake.

Five of the students this year are of foreign birth, South Africa, Russia, England, Porto Rico, and Poland being represented here. An unusually large number, too, are graduates of Harvard. Right have bachelors degrees, and two have their masters.

The average ago of the students last year was 31, and most of them had a regular occupation beside their school work. This year's group is slightly older, and boasts of, as members, a banker, a druggist, an architect, a United States probation officer, an hotel manger, a statistician in the Federal Commerce Department, and a Rabbi. The cause for the decline is laid to the unsettled conditions of these businesses.
