


The "Musician's Guide to May Week" of last term contained an unexampled number of errors, both of information and of orthography. These were caused, firstly, by a touching faith in what my fellow creatures tell me, and secondly, by the fact that, with my usual flair for matters editorial, I arrived to correct the proofs two days after the article had gone in to print. I apologize, then, to the Musical Societies of Queens' and Downing, for depriving the one of the credit of engaging Beatrice Harrison and for assigning to the other the said credit which it did not need in view of an already excellent array of artistes; to the St. John's Musical Society for suggesting that it deserts its and our, mother tongue for Hungarian; to E. J. P. Raven, for not saying that he was playing the obee in King's when he was and to E. J. Selwyn, for saying that he was when he was not; to Dochmanyi for the omission of his final syllable; to Mrs. Prior, for spelling her name with a y, and to Pini, for the agonizing distortion of his to Pain; and to any other Society or individual to whom the article in question affords ground for complaint. J. R.

--The Grants--Cambridge University Weekly.
