Announcement of prizes to be awarded Freshman debaters this year was made Friday by Asa E. Phillips, Jr. '34, president of the Debating Council. The awards, given by T. Jefferson Coolidge to stimulate undergraduate interest in debating and public speaking, consist of six silver medals and a cash prize of $50, the former to be given to those taking part in the triangular debate with Yale and Princeton, and the latter to be given for the best speech delivered in the tryouts for this meet.
On Thursday a preliminary meeting of all Freshmen interested in debating will be held in one of the upstairs rooms of the Union at 7.30 o'clock President Phillips stated that men would find debating experience valuable, because, for one thing, it offers greater opportunities for travel than any other College activity. This year opportunity is given to arrange trips to Richmond, Chicago, and to Canada, as well as other shorter journeys. Half a dozen applications for dual meets with the first year debaters have already been received, including invitations from Brown, Holy Cross, and Vermont.
There will be no dues for the Freshman team, as money for expenses is already available. Those taking part in a Freshman intercollegiate debate will automatically become members of the Varsity Council next year. This privilege will prove valuable, it is asserted, because next year the Council will have, for the first time since its organization, a coach appointed by the University and a permanent meeting place of its own.
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