With an audience of six Cadets, two Pathe News cameramen, and 50 curious spectators, the much-publicized antiwar demonstration took place without incident on the steps of Memorial Hall at noon last Saturday. Speakers from the National Student League, the League for Industrial Democracy, and the Episcopal Theological Seminary hurled furious denunciations against war, against the CRIMSON, and against the Roosevelt administration, but there was no violence. The expected interference from the Martial Club, an organization that calls itself "pacifist but opposed to any form of demonstration," failed to materialize.
Varied colored placards were displayed to advertise the purpose of the meeting. On propaganda handbills, the name of the Harvard Liberal Club was crossed out. This organization withdrew its support from the pacifist demonstration on Thursday night.
Dean Hanford and Colonel Charles R. Apted '06 were on hand with four Yard pops, but they soon withdrew. The cameramen were taking still-pictures in the Yard, and were tipped off that they might get some shots of a riot in front of Memorial Hall.
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