There is in Leverett House a Dance Committee which we think, shows singular naivete. They have arranged the House Dance for December 6th, which every boy knows is the night when corks can be popped in the open to celebrate the return of American Independence. As we see it the Leverett Ball-Room will either be mercifully empty, its former habitue's staying away because of justified fear, or from justified business elsewhere; or more likely, it will be "One Grand Party." At any rate we shall certainly be on the premises.
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A friend tells us that he lived in Gore Hall in his Freshman year four years ago, and that his bathroom there was blessed with a real tub. The next year when his dormitory was incorporated into a House, he moved away, aspiring successfully to a garret underneath a floodlit spire. But he has missed his tub terribly; he has longed many times for the warm artificial pond wherein he used to read, write themes, sleep, invent refreshments and occasionally washed.
We therefore sympathize with the Freshman who called the woman at the Information Office In University Hall yesterday, and said "I live up here in Stoughton where we only have shower baths. I dearly want a real bath. Do you know where I might find a bathtub which I could use?"
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To return to our Gore Hall friend. He also told us that he paid $400 for his fine single suite, and that on returning to see his old diggings the next year he found that as a room in Winthrop House it now cost $440. Looking around carefully for improvements he found a new hot water tap on the tub, a new binge on the door, a stronger bulb in the chandelier--nothing more, nothing less.
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