The announcement that the Student Council intends definitely to abolish the sophomore and junior elections will undoubtedly meet with the approval of all concerned. That these elections, purely nominal and honorary in character, have long forfeited any interest they may once have commanded is clearly shown by the small vote cast during the last few years. Since returns rarely represent more than one third of any class, the elections neither express a concensus of opinion nor justify the expense and trouble they entail.
In thus precipitately doing away with a tottering anachronism which its predecessors have chosen to gloss over, the present Student Council will give another instance of the efficient dispatch pleasantly characteristic of its regime. Not content with mere issuance of the customary annual report, the Council seems actively to be investigating certain traditional grievances, long in need of correction, for the purpose of applying immediate and definite remedy. Chief among these campaigns is the vigorous movement, announced early in the fall, to eliminate hour exams for juniors and seniors.
The efficacy of the council's program to date proves what past experience has given cause for doubt, the fact that such a body can under able leadership arbitrate effectively between faculty and students. Reports have been tendered before, and grievances mentioned, but seldom have diagnosis and cure followed in such close succession.
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