Fretting because townspeople complained that some of the Cal students are radicals, "The Daily Californian" hastened to explain editorially that the alleged radicals (whose radicalism consisted in saying that farm workers should be paid enough to live on) were looked upon with disfavor by most of the students, and that the campus liberals are simply troublesome and unrecognized black sheep.
It is perhaps none of our business if "The Daily Californian" chooses to support conservatism in a day of liberalism, but we feel it is worthy of comment when opinion in one of the largest universities in the world refers to liberal students as "unrepresentative" and "black sheep."
There would be little progress without a group of radicals to speed up diehard conservatives and reactionaries. Washington and Lincoln were more radical than any present-day student has the brains to be; half the good writers are radical, and nine-tenths of the good professors. If the U.C. editors want to pick on liberals, they can find a long list of them in Who's Who.
At Stanford we are willing to withstand an occasional whiff of hot air, in order to have the privilege of letting the Wind of Freedom blow. --The Stanford Daily.
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