A program for the coming year by which the Liberal Club aims to keep in contact with outside organizations was outlined last night at a meeting of the club in Lowell House tower room. Among the points in the program is a plan to investigate the effects of the N.R.A. in Cambridge.
The meeting was attended by 30 new men, ten old members of the club as well as two Wellesley students. After an election of treasurer which George C. Edwards 1G was selected, Monroe M. Sweetland, College Director of the League for Industrial Democracy gave a talk on "The Function of a Liberal Club in College."
Included in the Liberal Club's outside activities this year as outlined last night will be the appointment of several deputation groups who shall keep in contact with the Rotary Club, the Kiwanis Club, and similar organizations. These groups will be made up of both Harvard and Wellesley students. Other members will keep in touch with labor unions and the Socialist party. Contacts will be kept with the Civil Liberties Committee which is now aiming to set up freedom of speech in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
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