
Almost 9500 Men Treated In Dental School Last Year

23,000 Operations Performed at Low Cost by Students

More than 9,000 patients, upon whom were performed almost 23,000 dental operations, passed through the clinics of the Harvard Dental School during the academic year of 1932-33, according to figures announced today by the authorities of the school.

The figures of the different departments show that the extracting department had the most patients, and the operative department performed the most operations. The total number of patients, including those treated in the extracting, operative, prosthetic, orthodontia, and surgical departments was 9,488. The total number of operations performed in these departments was 22,953.

The charges for all this work are low and are based upon the cost of the materials used. The work is done by the students of the school, and every step is carefully supervised by instructors who are themselves experienced practitioners. The school clinics got under way again last week when the students of the four classes registered, and excepting for the Christmas and Easton vacations, the clinics will continue throughout the year until the end of May.
