Make-up examinations in the following courses will be held at 2 o'clock in Harvard 6. By the regulations the examinations will not last more than three hours.
A fee of $3.00 for each make-up examination which the student has been authorized to take will be included in the student's term bill. This fee will be charged whether or not the student takes the examination, and remitted only if he notifies the Assistant Dean in Charge of Records, 3 University Hall, in writing, at least two weeks before the date of an examination that he does not expect to take.
No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject what ever.
A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations.
Wednesday, October 4
Anthropology L. Biology A. English 28, Fine Arts 1d, Fine Arts 5p, French 1, French 28 hf., German B. German C. German 1b, German 2, Military Science 1, Music 3, Philosophy A. Philosophy 3, Philosophy 4.
Friday, October 6
Economics A. Fine Arts 9d, Fine Arts 15f, French 2, German 9, Government 30, History of Religions 3, History of Science 1, Italian 5, Mathematics A. Mathematics 9, Naval Science 2, Psychology 5, Psychology 6, Spanish 1, Zoology 6b.
Monday, October 9
Chemistry 33, Economics 10b, French A, French 6, Government 1, Government 13b, History 15, History 28, Philosophy 5, Philosophy 6, Philosophy 16, Physics C, Physics D, Psychology A. Sociology 1, Spanish 3.
Wednesday, October 11
Economics 11, English 3b, English 35b, English 77, Geology 5, German A. Government 6, Greek B. History 1, History 5b, History 40, Latin B. Music 40, Physics 2b, Physiology B. Spanish 5.
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