

The brave stand for national economy taken by President Roosevelt in his address to the American Legion yesterday is but another illustration of his ability to maintain a courageous and definite policy in time of national crisis. Admitting the obligation of the government to care for veterans actually disabled in the war and their dependents, the president was admirably clear in his statement that "no person, because he were a uniform must therefore be placed in a special class of beneficiaries over and above other citizens."

Although this policy was expected by the country as a whole, its reception by the assembled legionnaires at Chieago is significant. There the address, disappointing as it must have been to some, was applauded with a spirit which fully bore out the President's assumption that a great majority of the legionnaires were fully in accord with the sentiments expressed. The frankness, honesty, and eloquence of the appeal were irresistible--and the attitude with which it was received is a credit to the Legion.
