The authors of "Tommy" Mosara, The leading man of this play, Mr. Leon Janney, self or publicity-director styled movie star, is a beautiful blonde baby-faced boy of an apparent sixteen years. Mr. Janney handicaps his baby face with a nasal contralto voice. Mr. Janney would have an unsuccessful play at the Copley Theatre in Boston in his debit column, were it not for the inimitable sang-froid of Mr. Jack Egan, who, as the all-human political boss of Katonsville, Maryland, steals the show from the rest of the Katonsvillians, and makes an evening spent at the Copley a vaguely good thing. This thesis is expounded: a man can win a woman only through the subtle workings of that mysterious thing called Romance; and Romance is incompatible with parental approval of the match. Ergo. Mr. Leon Janney, favored by the adenoidal mother and the crustacean father of the big-hipped There are some low-comedy wisecracks which are not unamusing, and some which are; but the play is saved by Mr. Egan's ability to act, and gains through that the merit of not being a colossal bust.
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