
Hell Hath No Fury


(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will be names be withheld.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

In today's CRIMSON appeared an article concerning Mr. A. L. Endicott, Comptroller of Harvard University. In this article appears the following statement, ". . . it is guarded by the most beautiful secretary, in Harvard."

Has the CRIMSON conducted a Beauty Contest? We have seen nothing about it in any of the Daily papers (CRIMSON included). By what right does some one person pick out "the most beautiful secretary in Harvard"? Have some of the rest of us who bloom unseen in Widener, University, Lehman, and many other halls, museums, and laboratories no right to be considered? Has someone been around to all the offices, mentally recording each one's beauty? If not, a tour of the University offices might unearth a few more beautiful secretaries. (Name withheld by request.)
