Phillips Brooks House has started a drive to enroll students as settlement workers to aid in its annual program, it was announced yesterday. In explanation of the work, James M. Estabrook '34, chairman of the committee, has issued the following statement:
"The Social Service Committee at Phillips Brooks House has started interviewing this week, students interested in the social service work in Boston. It is hoped this year even more than the 59 men enrolled last year may be procured.
"Boys' workers spending one period a week, either coaching teams, teaching handicraft, or leading social clubs, help take gangs off the street and give them an opportunity for meeting in a non-criminal atmosphere.
"Beside the advantage to those assisted by the Social Service Worker, there are also unquestionable benefits for the worker himself. He learns lessons in leadership, self-expression and organization that will stand him in good stead in business, politics, and teaching. Leverett Saltonstall '14, speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives said 'When the question is asked as to whether social work in college is of any assistance to the graduate who takes part in the political work of his community the answer is easy. Unquestionably such work is of the utmost value."
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