

Harvard Coach Has Taken Out Patent On Mechanical Device Designed To Afford Better Practice

Rene Peroy, fencing coach, revealed yesterday that he had invented and patented a fencing machine during the summer. Orders for this machine have already been received from Yale, and other colleges are considering the matter.

The invention is simple in appearance. An ordinary foil is attached by four stiff springs to a small, round, piece of metal which is adjustable. In this way the foil can be raised or lowered at will, while the springs cause it to vibrate, thus imitating the wrist movement of an opponent. The whole mechanism is set upon a padded mat, and attached to the wall about shoulder height.

In large classes, these machines are almost indispensable. Each fencer is supplied with one, and the coach can give each man more individual attention. In private practice, both beginners and advanced fencers may use the invention with equal advantage.

Coach Peroy anticipates an active year for the Harvard teams. Twenty-two Freshmen are working out at least three times a week in the fencing room, while 17 upper classmen report for practice. The team is to be built around John G. Hurd '34, captain, an excellent foilman.
