No hard work was on the program for the Varsity A Team yesterday afternoon at Soldiers Field but Coach Casey put the B outfit to work against the Jayvees in a 45-minute scrimmage, and the scrubs left the field on the tail-end of a 6-0 score.
The scrimmage was slow but contributed the only action on the field yesterday. Casey went over the game on Saturday as is the custom on Monday and the regulars took it easy for the afternoon. Signal drill was omitted.
Art Barrett was the scorer of the afternoon for the B team. He took the ball over from the three-yard line after he had moved it up into a scoring position by a 15-yard run. Very few of the players used against Holy Cross took part in the scrimmage, and all of the A backs were given the day off. The squad has been reduced to 41 by a cut which sent two men to the Jayvees.
Yesterday's Varsity lineup for the scrimmage: Kelly, Lowe, l.e; Rogers, Burton, l.f.; Cassle, Schumann, l.g. Lockwood, Simmons, c.; Realey, Gulian, r.g.; Littlefield, r.t.; Cheek, v.e.; Whitney, Peter, q.b.; Sherman, Litman, l.h.b.; Barrett, r.h.b.; Janien, Heale, f.b.
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