

Full Varsity Team On Field in Uniform Including Schumann, Healey--Casey And Kopans Have Easy Day

Coach Eddie Casey pitted his Varsity charges against the Freshman eleven for the second time this week yesterday afternoon and kept the players scrimmaging for an hour and ten minutes to smooth out the defense against Holy Cross.

The afternoon workout was long and arduous, for the Jayvees preceded the Freshmen into the Varsity field and drilled the regulars on pass defense. The scrubs tossed aerials for 20 minutes and then the Varsity was sent through the usual fundamentals, which included passing punting and line contact work, Jack, Riley, star tackle of the Boston Redskins and former All-American tackle at Northwestern, was among the distinguished visitors and helped out the Varsity tackles on some of the finer points of the game.

Nazro At Right End

Coach Casey started the business of whipping into shape the team, which he plans to start against the Crusaders. At present the lineup is the same as that which started the New Hampshire tilt. All members of the Varsity squad were on the field in uniform, for the first time in several weeks. Schumann and Healey are all set to go in against Holy Cross, but because injuries have kept them out of scrimmages for nearly two weeks it is unlikely that they will be in the starting lineup. Kelly was working out yesterday and seems fit as a fiddle but probably will not start against the Purple horde. Nazro is slated to be in at right end. Kopans and Casey were given a rest yesterday and Burton and Lockwood went into the first team in the scrimmage. No significance is attached to this change. Coach Casey was merely resting them up for the heavy Purple linemen.

The scrimmage yesterday was stationary and since the whistle was blown when the ball was over the line of play no Varsity player had a chance to shine. The Varsity was on the offense for about three-quarters of the time.


The Team A lineup yesterday: White, l.e.; Francisco, l.t.; Crane, l.g.; Casey, c.; Gundlach, r.g.; Kopans, r.t.; Nazro, r.e.; Wells, q.b.; Locke, l.h.b.; Lane, r.h.b.; Dean, f.b
